"Strong Tomorrow"

Strong Tomorrow

'Balit Yirramboi'

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Office hours: 8.00am - 3.30pm


Science and Sustainability

For Dohertys Creek P-9 College students, embarking upon Science and Sustainability is a dynamic, collaborative and creative experience, allowing learners to explore and better understand their environment. Science is a unique subject due to the way it is taught and the skill set it develops in learners.

At each year level, scientific understanding is cultivated through an inquiry-based model, designed to instil learners with a curiosity about the world through exploration and experimentation. Students are engaged actively in the learning process by developing investigations and critical thinking. The Science curriculum at DCC incorporates Biology and Earth and Space Sciences. These are taught through engaging and globally relevant topics designed to capture interest for each age group. Classes are hands on for every student with explicit teaching and the use of concrete materials. Technologies are embedded in lessons to scaffold learners of all levels.

The skills developed through the study of Science are highly relevant and correlate with crucial 21st-century learning outcomes. Students develop the ability to use prior knowledge to make relevant predictions. They are taught to analyse data and draw logical conclusions. Students learn to use scientific language to meaningfully communicate their ideas. They develop the ability to represent data in a variety of formats including graphs, tables, keys and diagrams.

One of the key factors making Science an exciting area of study is the development of the ability to think ethically about the application of science in the real world and reflect upon the positive and negative impacts of Science on society.  This allows learners to develop an awareness of Scientific issues now and into the future.

Our Science room is full of animals including Guinea pigs, Green Tree Frogs, a Blue Tongue Lizard and students breed Spiny Leaf Stick Insects as a part of their learning. Working with Zoos Victoria, students gather the information required to care for animals – small in the classroom to worldwide threatened and endangered.

We are a Resource Smart school focusing on the areas of Biodiversity, Energy, Water and Waste. Our students are encouraged to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle both at home and school.

As a result of studying Science at Dohertys Creek P-9 College, students enter senior classrooms with an appreciation of the world and an enthusiasm for future learning.

Science, Design Technology and Economics and Business

“With contemporary, global scientific understanding, we are well placed to design innovative solutions for a sustainable future.”

As students progress into their senior years, the study of science is coupled with Design Technologies and Economics and Business. Through the development of scientific understanding and explicit teaching of design concepts, skills and processes, students are well equipped to design innovative solutions to sustainability issues. They take their learning to a business level, by investigating successful business models, consumer, business and government influence and plan for the production and distribution of their designed products and solutions.

Engineering and Entrepeneurship: Designing for Earth and Water Conservation

Students undertake an engineering and entrepreneurship framed inquiry with the overarching concept of designing for conservation for the Earth. They will find and sort out knowledge related to the Earth’s renewable and non-renewable materials and use scientific understanding and inquiry to delve into how chemical and physical science knowledge can be used to design for a sustainable future.

Horticulture: Ethical and Sustainable Food Practices

Students will undertake a horticultural inquiry with the overarching concept of designing for ethical and sustainable food practices, building on the idea of conservation. They will take part in traditional classroom and field/garden studies that will build knowledge in the area of biological science, focusing on food and fibre production and the food chains and webs that humans are a part of. Moving the learning to a kitchen based classroom will allow students to take their knowledge of biodiversity to an action based level. Students will be asked to design for sustainable food practices at a ‘menu’ level as well as analyse and design for the garden structures that they will need to ‘feed’ people in a sustainable way.